vendredi 17 juin 2016

Engineering Some Fun !

Bonjour !

Un carte aujourd'hui réalisée avec un adorable tampon "Engineering Some Fun Noah" que vous pouvez retrouver dans la boutique de Paper Creator ICI.
J'espère que vous aimerez, bisous à tous ! xx

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Matériel utilisé : Tampon pré-colorisé Sassy Cheryl chez Paper Creator, Papiers MME et demi-perles.

Je participe aux challenges suivants :
Crafting With An Attitude : "Anything Goes",
Star Stampz Challenge : "For/With Kids".

18 commentaires:

Erika a dit…

Hi Lau, weather wet here too, where is the summer indeed, I think an ark would be more use. The garden only needs so much!
I love this card, such a great image, it would be perfect for my older boy. Love the papers you have put with it too. He looks deep in thought waiting for his "eureka" moment! (I'm still waiting for mine. :D)

Have a super weekend, hopefully with better weather too.

Hugs Erika. x

cotnob a dit…

A fabulous card Lau, such a brilliant design.

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. a dit…

Fantastic card Lau
hugs Tamara


Fabulous and wonderful card Lau have a lovely week end
Dianne xx :)

Marlies a dit…

A fantastic boys card Lau! Lovely matching papers with the cute image! hugs, Marlies

Misscricri a dit…

J'adore ta carte !

brenda a dit…

Lovely work as always Lau.

Hope you have a good weekend.

B x

Maritha a dit…

Ohh i love this Lau. Love the layers of paper. Really stunning! :)

Kram kram

Maritha a dit…

Ohh i love this Lau. Love the layers of paper. Really stunning! :)

Kram kram

Sandy a dit…

So cute and you have a great design with fantastic papers to go with this cool dude!
sandy xx

Athéna a dit…

Superbe carte très colorée, bravo. Bon dimanche. Bises.

Céline a dit…

extra cette carte

colorishabby a dit…

Ta carte est trop mimi

aussie aNNie a dit…

Beautiful creation, so lovely and the colours used are gorgeous.xx


Tinka's paper wonderlland a dit…

Great card!!
♥Hugs Valentina♥

Amy Johnson a dit…

Such a cute image and card for a boy or guy!

Maline a dit…

Et une jolie petite carte pour fêter l'arriver des vacances, une! gniii ^^ Bisous

Spiral Creativity a dit…

Awesome card. I also like the green color combo that you have used. Thank you for joining us at Crafting with an attitude challenge. Hope to see you again. Good luck.

Shamita DT

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